Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update from Mike

I just wanted to give concerned friends and family a little update about Mike. I just received an email from him this morning. He missed his connecting flight in Chicago to London due to delays, so he had to get on another one about three hours later. He made it and here is a little of what I heard from him today:

"I don't have very much time do to some incredibly slow internet and a tight schedule so I just wanted to let you know that I did make it. None of my bags did, but I did. So it will be pretty interesting getting by with one pair of everything. I'll probably borrow some clothes. The airline is looking into the bags. The Ugandan that will be interesting. Anywho, other than that bag thing, all is well and Uganda is absolutely amazing. The trip has already been emotionally exhilarating...from the beautiful sights to wall of Ruben's paintings, picasso's sunflowers, Monet's waterlillies, and Raphael and Caravaggio...the list goes on. And now I am pushing to survive in Uganda.
The country side is beautiful and quite raw. The people are kind and careful, despite the economic circumstances."

I had a feeling that when he got the different flight his baggage might not arrive with him. He will probably be posting some of his adventures soon with pictures :).


Austin and Liz said...

So, you mean those calenders we carefully selected are lost?! along with the deliciouse chocolates for the Americans?! what a cruel world...

Austin and Liz said...

glad mike is doing well by the way. ;)