Wednesday, February 17, 2010

This is not a dispute, it is a complaint.

Well, I was laughing about this earlier.. but now it is just plain frustrating! Mike and I are in the process of trying to buy a home, yay!! HOWEVER, we have encounter a minor bump in the road. It appears that Experian (major credit report bureau) has combined the credit scores of Mike, Mike's Father, and Mike (my husband). This has happened because both have the same first and last names and middle initial: Michael J. Duthrie. They do however, have DIFFERENT middle names and social security numbers!

What does this mean to us?

This hinders the process of us buying a home because we have to get an approval for the mortage. And is:

A waste of money. If you have a problem on your credit reportand needs to be fixed, then you have to dispute it. Disputes cost you money. Seriously, why should we have to pay for an error that the credit bureau made?? Yes, I think it is lame.

A waste of time. We need to contact Experian to fix this. That isn't the waste of time, but listening to automidated messages over and over again trying figure out where your problem fits in the list or finding a representative to talk to is. I listen intently through every single option, none fits exactly what I need. So, I push 1, 2, 3, hoping I will get directed to someone I can talk to. That doesn't work, so then I default to pushing zero again and again, wishing that I will hear the magical dial tone to transfer me to a real person to talk to.


1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh no. This happened with me and my mom -- though my name is Jeanette K. and hers is Janet E. Not sure how that happened. But I need to call and start getting that fixed. I think your frustrations have urged me to call now. Oh how I dread this. I'm so sorry for you -- and now even more sorrier for myself! ah Good luck!