Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Growing little Bug

Brinley is a 1/2 year old! Crazy! I had her 6 month check up today, and this is what I learned:
  • Weight: 15.1 ... which is less than when I last had her weighed. (About 2 weeks ago) 23% for her weight. The doc is concerned about her gaining weight. Apparently my breast milk might not have enough fat to butter Brin up. Really?! I didn't think that was possible.. I thought it was equivalent to whole milk, but apparently not. Formula may be supplemented to bulk her up!
  • Height: 27.5 - 90 something percentile
  • Eating habits - Brin usually eats every 2-3 hours. Now, I need to push that back to about every 3-4. She has started eating oatmeal, squash, carrots, bananas, apples and some more foods. I have to set up a schedule for her eating times.
  • Sleeping habits - I need to cut the nighttime feedings down to one, so she can get a longer stretch of sleep. Doctor recommended that after bedtime routine is finished and Brin is put down, she needs to learn to go to bed on her own. I have officially been given the OK to let her cry herself to sleep. Mike and I have been having a disagreement here, but I am happy to say I was right! Oh and naps... she is the catnap queen! No consistent schedule whatsoever. So, I am going to try to change that. We'll see how that goes.
  • Movement skills - Brin is a good sitter. She can sit up very well on her own for long periods of time. Also, she has rolled over from back to stomach and stomach to back. However, she chooses not to roll. She used to roll over to get something she wanted, but now just cries if she can't reach it. LAZY! Anyways, she is capable of doing so, but just doesn't want to.
  • Communication - she is saying "dada" all the time! Mike just loves it!! I think she understands that he is "dada" or "daddy" but hasn't said it yet as a form of communication.
Basically it all boils down to me being more strict with her schedule/routine. I kinda feel like an irresponsible mother... well live and learn I guess. At least she is a happy and well tempered little bug. :)


John and Bethany said...

Max is in the 20s also for weight and 90s for height. He also still eats every 2-3 hours and he is 9 months so don't worry too much unless you don't want to feed her that much. I would really recommend "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child". It has been so helpful in training Max to sleep better. It was a lifesaver! I felt like a was going crazy with no sleep. She is adorable by the way:)

Lant Family said...

We just cut our Garretts night time feeding because by 9 mo getting up at night is a habbit not to eat. It hasn't been to bad, we just give him his pacifier once or twice and he is fine, very minimal crying. He is also a cat napper, I asked my ped. about it and he said that is just how he is and trying to change that would be very difficult. But he said it is also fine as long as he doesn't act tierd all day and fall asleep during short car rides. Which he seems fully rested and short naps are just all he needs. I did read the book bethany suggested, it helped me some but I found it didn't address several of my issues. But give it a read, you might love it.

Adespain said...

She is such a cutie! William's been in the 10th percentile most of his life but recently hit the 20th. Good luck with the schedule/sleeping! Just remember, every baby is different. One of my friends first son was very good with schedules. Her daughter that came next, catnapper. She's tried many different books to no avail, but has just realized, she's a different baby and accepted it.