Saturday, March 14, 2009

Quilts and More Quilts!

As I was looking for a new blog template, I found this one and thought it was only appropriate for me to put it on here! Our stake Relief Society just had our annual Relief Society birthday celebration! We had a variety of service projects including tying quilts. It was a lot of fun and I have definitely expanded my knowledge of quilts and my tying abilities... so pretty much I am a professional. But don't plan on asking me for quilting help in the near future...I have had my fix of quilting for about the next 2 years. I might be a little more willing then. :)

1 comment:

Soren and Kilee Nickels said...

Cute. I like the new look of the blog. Hope that activity turned out and didn't take up your whole day. I have found fish to be pretty good pets. I think it would be fine to have one and leave it in your classroom over the weekends. My fish is not needy at all. It doesn't even seem to eat so I'm sure it would be fine. The only thing I don't love is cleaning the tank which needs to be done once a week. Its not that hard, just has to be done.