The past couple of weeks have been by going so quickly! I can't believe that I'm already 31 weeks and that I only have 3 weeks of school left! It has definitely been a lot of fun. Mike has started going to school spring term and is looking into some other job opportunities and he is hoping to get drawn for the St. George Marathon.
This last week was testing week for my students. I don't know if they were stressed at all, but it definitely nice to have that out of the way. On Friday one of my room moms threw a baby shower for me and it was fun to watch my students play games and to open all of the gifts that they gave to me. The boys got sick of hearing all the "ooos" and "awhhs" from the girls and it turned out to be a competition towards the end of the party. I was very grateful that opening the gifts didn't last that long. My class is so wonderful. They are a big reason why choosing not to teach next year was difficult.
Anyways, Mike and I are enjoying the nice weather by planting a garden and spending time outside. The flowers Heather and JJ planted last year are looking beautiful. I am excited for the irises that are starting to bloom. We are looking forward to the arrival of our little girl with each passing day. And I look forward to losing some of the weight I have gained!
Oh and thanks to Kris for doing my hair! I love it! :)